Saturday, August 13, 2011


I have had many good & bad chats & disagreements with people over the years. which have been  interesting & frustrating. especially about the unemployed, due to me being on the "New Deal" or welfare to work, as it is called now. (same shit diff name). & a large number of working people all say the same thing: (Altho personally. I never complained about it when I was working) "That lazy workshy dole scroungers should get a job, cos I pay for it out of my tax every year". That is true & people should make their own money.   But when the job market is dead, & will never recover with any significant speed anytime soon. Plus what jobs are there are not worth doing at all. Which results in the jobless being stuck between a rock & a hard place. The people who work, still repeat the same mantra over & over again. But just to add: They don't often complain about paying a portion of their wage to fund multiple wars for profit, or to bail out banks that results in the death of millions of people. & I will tell you why! The young rioters are conditioned to believe that they have nothing to give. & the majority of the celebrity, big brother fed public. Who work all day then come home, tea on the table, TV blasting out "Bullshit". Are constantly told by the brainwashing machine. That some poor person on benefits is scamming the system, or that some kid has shot another kid in a gangland shooting. Any story that re-enforces the stereotype, of the scummy underclass. must point out tho. I don't agree with people of any class, claiming benefits if they don't need it. but most people are just trying to survive.                                                                                                                                                        This leads me to the SOLUTION! of a problem created years before by the elite. After a while: The many conditioned & deluded members of society, who have taken in the constant barrage of lies, spouted by the elite over the years. Now start to insist that the government. Do Something! About societies troubles. This is a licence for power hungry businessmen & politicians to hammer the public with austerity measures, followed by more totalitarian laws, which adds to the already volatile situation. This is all done under the illusion that it's for our benefit. Any free thinking person knows of course, that its all total Bullshit!! The elite have long term plans to implement a world system. Which will result in billions of the poorest,  being forced to work jobs that are unsuitable, low paid, or not even a wage, but benefits, hence: The welfare to work program. Or should I say: Modern slavery! but is still an illusion, even slaves have a place to sleep, some food, heat, & so fourth. If todays CEO's are anything to go by. They will be falling over each other to acquire benefit paid workers to work in their modern "Sweatshops", They will save millions in wages & tax every year. While the rest of us live in purpose built estates & assigned work placements. It will be a world that Hitler would be proud of. Do we want the super rich swanning around in luxury at our exspense while we toil in their super sized factories. NO!... I for one. Will never except their "New World Order".  As the saying goes: They are few. We are many, we are legion! Humanity will never progress, while the elite at the top exist. They need to be toppled! by the whole of humanity, for the sake of humanity!

The truth of everything! & Who the real looters & warmongerers are!: The truth of the riots in Britain.

The truth of everything! & Who the real looters & warmongerers are!: The truth of the riots in Britain.:

Friday, August 12, 2011

The truth of the riots in Britain.

Before I start. I wish to say that I am not here to insult society. & will try to be fair. BUT make no bones about it! I will be as honest as I can & straight to the point. This comes from the heart!  The riots in Britain. Many people are rightly slamming the feral Rats! who took great pleasure in smashing up & burning peoples shops & homes. These rioting morons! do not represent me or my kin or my kind, they certainly don't understand what genuine protest is. When I saw the mask inbred on sky news. I then realised that this thick little moron & the rioters generally, has walked right into the governments hands. Cameron & his fascist Tory party are rubbing their hands together in glee!! These greedy arse licking Eton bred Bastards!! (with help from the lab & libdem party) Will now bring in a shit storm! of totalitarian LAWS! that will only apply to the poorest, of which they were probably planning to implement anyway!  I saw the David Icke Vid: PROBLEM, REACTION, SOLUTION. This is how it works!! First the Creation of the problem: The 1980s. Thatcher comes into power. One of the first things she does, is sell off public companies to the highest bidder. Wholesale privatisation to her friends. This results in job losses on a massive scale. This sell off starts being floated on the stock exchange. thus a lot of  middle to upper class speculators get very rich. But the people at the bottom, who lost their jobs & who were unable to gain from this (so called) land of: Milk & Money. (had to slip that in!) End up on the benefits system. Add to that, the seriously bad education system, which teaches lower class kids nothing about how to prosper in their adult lives. but is quite happy to teach them religious dogma, & more useless crap! Such as who the kings & queens of England are, or that Hitler was a very bad man!  But when it comes to well off kids. They get taught about business & political studies & how to succeed in this world. & all the stuff that makes life easy for them. With Daddy's help of course. Now! people say the job market has improved since then. Well I say that is a massive lie!! created by the right wing press!  The jobs I did when I left school. Was decent, honest work  that was worth doing. Not like the mundane low paid, slave lab wage crap!! we call work that's on offer today. Anyway! I diversify. back to my point. As the jobs disappear due to it being easier to use wage slaves. In China & India, places like that! Which ironically manufactures the very trainers & moronic hoodie gear the youth love so much. Now move forward thirty years to now. A lot of the people who lost their jobs in the 1980's, would be the mid to late forties today, & the last generation who remembered what it was like before "political correctness" reared it's ugly little head, would of had children. These children became the parents of the rioters that are kicking off in our towns & cities today. two or three generations of families that have never known what it's like to have a job or money, unless they rob it & this becomes their way of life, & are conditioned to think that benefits are the norm.  In other words!! due to the deliberate destruction of the social structure in this world for the purposes of "DIVIDE & CONQUER" of society, to say the least, over a long period of time by the state. Add to that the media & stupid rich politicians, who propagate this idea that the unemployed & the poor are worthless scroungers that prey on everyone else, while at the same time politicians pay themselves massive payouts! from public money, & give the BANKERS! the go ahead to plunder the nation/worlds wealth. Naturally the lowest & most vilified & ignored in our society. Get to the point of no return & basically say; fuck the politicians! "No one gives a shit about me reaction. Hence the riots that we have witnessed here, that were socially engineered by the state over generations.  Now that the elite have sown the seeds of destruction, combined with such vile policies of benefit sanctions over the last few years. & forcing genuine sick people, off  D.L.A & such, onto jobseekers allowance.  which then leads to forced jobseeking on the Infamous welfare to work program. These programs are run by some very dubious companies in my view.  The very conditioned & sometimes vile stupid robots, that call themselves: Job or Career advisers that work in these places. Are picked specifically to create tension within the environment, to force people to take unsuitable low paid jobs, or sign off! As in my case. There is no effort to help people or have any empathy whatsoever. This vile workfare system is a way for big business, with help from the politicians, to acquire cheap labour, under the mass illusion that it will find people work. This now leads me into the public reaction...........

The death of Natural justice & the refusal to "Think Out Of The Box". & the slide into nothingness!!